Wednesday, August 16, 2006

37th AD Republican Candidates Fail to Show

I seldom agreed with Republican Assemblyman David Ward who, until his recent resignation, represented the 37th Assembly District. I always, however, respected that he always showed up for political events and in fact seemed to be everywhere in the community. I am sure it was Ward's attendance at most community events that enabled him to be reelected over and over again. It seems as though Republicans vying to replace Rep. Ward have adopted a different strategy.

According to the Daily Jefferson County Union none of the three Republicans facing off in a September primary attended a community forum sponsored by Heart of the City.

Heart of the City, as described by the Daily Union,

....... is a grassroots citizens organization that focuses on advocacy for sustainable change and the promotion of public good working with other citizens in government in visioning and planning.

According to the Daily Union:

....the forum touched on issues of interest to the group, including sustainability, healthcare and taxes.

The article continues: (Emphasis added)

Democrats Walt Christensen and Andy Jorgensen and Independent Ivan Davis participated Monday at the forum.

Republican candidates Joe Hermanny and Dennis Lund were unable to attend. Greg Gasper, also a Republican candidate, initially committed to participating, but withdrew Monday after Heart of the City altered the format and questions in the forum late last week.

"I apologize for not looking at your message sooner; however, upon reviewing your biased questions and format, I regret I can no longer take part in tonight's forum because of the large-scale changes in the previously agreed-upon questions and format," Gasper wrote in a statement to Heart of the City.

Now Jefferson County is not exactly considered a stronghold of the Democratic Party. Even if the questions were "biased" a Republican answering using conservative talking points would have scored as well or better than any Indy or Democrat. This is the second example of Republicans concealing positions this week. See Monday's entry. Wonder what they are hiding?

Although I would probably not have been in agreement, Dave Ward would have been there answering questions!


Blogger XOut said...

Nobody with a brain is going to show up for a 'forum' sponsored by such a group of clowns. Who are these people and what the hell are they selling?

What is "sustainable change?" Just what is "visioning and planning?"

This is a nonsense group dripping with liberal buzzwords that take up space but mean nothing.

It would appear that we have sane candidates in the Republican Primary for the 37th Assembly District.

11:06 PM  
Blogger Grumbleberries said...

I suppose those topics would force Republicans to talk about something besides God, guns and gays.

10:21 AM  
Blogger XOut said...

For this group:

Sustainability = stop development, make people move to big cities

Healthcare = government run, universal coverage

Taxes = opposition to constitutional limits – the sky is the only limit.

For Republicans:

Property rights (the right to sell your property to whomever) and the right of people to live where they wish is pre-eminent

Healthcare = market-based reforms, government assistance for those who need help.

Taxes = they are too high and are harming our ability to grow our economy.

See the problem? What would have been accomplished here? Why would Republicans attend a forum hosted by a left-wing group?

12:30 PM  

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